


資本金300万円 従業員6名

事業内容 衣類品の企画・生産・卸売

Founded 1.2. 2003

contents of Business

Apparel design, production and wholesales.






兄貴が好きで自分も聞きなれたブルース・スプリングスティーンのBorn in the U.S.A.カヴァー写真に影響を受けて「アメリカ恰好良いな~~」ってLevisを購入したのがファッションに目覚めたきっかけでした。 

アメリカの大地に憧れ、、、そして心のどこかでは世界を旅した親父への憧れなのか? 現実逃避なのか?? 









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Time has passed by so fast since I founded “Delta” in the year 2013.

I was born in Setagaya/Tokyo in 1976 and raised there.

With the influence from my father who traveled all over the world in the time that the exchange rate was fixed in $1.00 = ¥360, In my younger ages, I remember I was always feeling and longing the exotic landscape and people who lives there that has different atmosphere from where I lived.

Map of Japan and entire world mounted all over on the walls in my narrow family house at the time always made me imagine and interested in geography and culture around the world.

The cover jacket of “Born in the U.S.A.” by Bruce Springsteen that my brother loved, and I was also very familiar with that sound, made me think “America is cool” and made me purchase one of the Levi’s denim pants, that was the moment I really got into fashion consciousness.

Longing for the continent of America? Or longing for the father who traveled those places all over the world? Or escape form the reality? In my age of 24, I decided to go through the three month trip in America with my 1 litter back pack packed full of my longing.

The theme that I set my self for that trip was “tripping as though living”.

Not having that much money, I choose to visit the local places where people’s daily r life was going on in the regular atmosphere, rather than just popular general sightseeing places.

Starting in the major city Seattle in northern west coast, I moved down to the south to Oregon and California, stopping by many of the national parks such as Yosemite and Zion so on, and also visited some of the spiritual and historical places such as Monument Park and Santa Fe.

The experience and feeling that I obtained from this trip gives me many of the inspirations and strong confidence, and significantly has been influencing my way of thinking up to today.

In Delta, we are hoping to eagerly face the things, the nature and people, and spread the fashion and lifestyle filtered with our own five senses and keep enjoying every single essence of it.

                                                                                                                                                    Delta co., ltd


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